Shivam's Ambiance
About Me
- Name: Shivam Paul - Chaurasia
- Location: Richmond, Virginia, United States
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Here are the steps to do a performance test with QTP scripts. This method is expecially helpful if the scripts cannot be recorded in VuGen like some windows based scripts. If you do not have the licence for AJAX protocol, this method may be used.
Let me know your comments.......
1. Create Scripts using QTP. Replay and test it.
2. Now close QTP and go to QTP --> Tools --> Silent Test Runner
3. Browse to the script and run the QTP script from here. Successful run ensures that the script will run from Performance Center
4. Install QTP on all the work-stations that will be part of the performance test.
5. Install ‘Agent’ on the work-stations above. Now, these work-stations serve as Generators.
6. The ‘Agent’ is installed as a service. We need to change it to a ‘Process’ to run using QTP. It can run as a ‘Service’ while using Citrix.
7. How to change ‘Service’ to a ‘Process’ :
- Close the ‘Agent’ by right clicking on the agent icon (
- Go to DOS prompt
- Browse to the following path:
D:\Program Files\HP\Load Generator\launch_service\bin - Type command magentservice.exe –remove and press enter
- Type command magentproc.exe –install and press enter
- Close the DOS prompt.
8. If needed you may copy magentproc.exe to the Startup menu folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\shivam1\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
This will make the ‘Process’ to be up and running every time the machine is restarted.
9. Now add the generators to the Performance Center. Performance center admin may need to add the workstation’s (Generator’s) asset tag number to the performance center.
10. When creating the scenario in Performance Center, assign the above added generator(s) to each running VUser. This way each user is assigned to the workstation that is a part of the Performance test.
11. Only one VUser can be assigned to each script and to the generator.
12. After the test is started, check on the workstation (Generator) to see if the application is up and running.
Friday, August 15, 2008
When recording a script, Vugen simply listens to the client talking to the server and writes it down. It contains complete transcript of everything that was said like the time, month and the requests. The replies can be found in the recording log or the generation log.
We want the VuGen to pretend to be a client. The script tells VuGen what to tell to the server to successfully fool it. We want the server to believe that Vugen is a real client and thus send the requested information.
The script which we record has the hard-coded information of the original conversation which may not be enough to fool the server during replay and hence will have to be correlated for the changing values.
What is Correlation?
Following diagram illustrates a typical example where correlation is required. Client requests page A, the response comes back page A and an ID of 123 which will be hard-coded in the script. During the same session the client can perform another request for page B with criteria to pull a report for the current month June for a certain amount.

How to Correlate a web Script ?
Correlation can be done in 2 ways:
1. Automatically
2. Manually
1. Record two copies of the script with the same business process and data:
- Record script1 on the desired business process and save it.
- Record script2, repeating the same business processes and with the same data used in recording script1.
2. Find the dynamic value to capture:
- From script2, go to Tools --> Compare to Vuser, and choose script1.
- WDiff tool will open and display the two scripts side by side. It will automatically highlight the lines which have differences in them.
NOTE: Sometimes, comparing of two scripts cannot detect dynamic values. Imagine, that you recorded this script:
"Name=ID", "Value=367", ENDITEM,
"Name=CurrentMonthID", "Value=6", ENDITEM, ...
It's obvious, that ID should be correlated. What about CurrentMonthID parameter? Second recorded script can contain "Value=5" too. And it's possible, that your script will work correctly during the month June (6th month is June), and will not work from July.
- Locate the first difference and take a note of it. Search the script1 for that difference. That is the original value hard-coded into the script1 that was different in script2. Highlight this value and copy it.
3. Find Server’s response, containing the dynamic value:
- Replay the script by enabling extended log from script Run time settings. Make sure to select the option ‘Data returned by server’.
- Open Replay log and find server's response, which contains dynamic values of ID.
NOTE : For single protocol, go to Recording log
For multiple protocol, go to generation log. - Press CTRL+F to bring up the find window. Paste the value you copied in step 2 and search downwards. We are looking for the first occurrence of this value in the log.
NOTE: sometimes the value which we are searching may be long and the value may have gotten broken and may display the continuation in the next line in the logs. - If you find the value, scroll up in the log and make sure the value was sent as a part of response from the server. If the value first appears as part of sending request, then the value originated on the client side and does not need to be correlated, but rather parameterized.
4. Where to place web_reg_save_param function?
- After confirming that the first occurrence was part of a received response from the server, go back to the place where you located the dynamic value inside the replay log.
- There will be corresponding Action.c() at the beginning of that line with a number in the brackets. That is the number of the line in the script where we need to put the web_reg_save_param() function. The function should go right above that line in the script.
- Double click that line number, script will be opened at that line, right above which we will place the the web_reg_save_param() function.
web_submit_data("generateteldata.jsp", "Action=http://consumerPortal/SRM/jsp/generateReport.jsp", "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", ...
This means that server's response for generateteldata.jsp page contains dynamic values which should be correlated.
5. Capture dynamic value:
This can be done in two ways. They use the same function - web_reg_save_param()
Ø Manual capturing from Script-view.
This method does manual writing of web_reg_save_param function.
Ø Automatic capturing from Tree-view.
§ Open the Tree view

§ select generateteldata.jsp page from tree view
§ select "Body" to view body of server's response
§ You will see recorded values of ID. Now, select value of first dynamic value, right-click, and select "Create parameter":

§ After that you will see the message box:
§ You can create parameter for dynamic value.If you want to replace all occurrences of dynamic value ("715E19...") in script, click "Yes".
To not replace all occurrences, click "No".
NOTE: Replacing all occurrences of dynamic value can lead to incorrect results. It's more preferable to replace occurrences one by one with "Search and Replace" dialog.
§ Click "No" button.
§ Return to Script-view and see changes. There are new lines, inserted before generateteldata.jsp page:
// [WCSPARAM WCSParam_Text1 40 715E19300D670ED77773BBF066DAAAE2866484B8] Parameter {WCSParam_Text1} created by Correlation Studio
§ web_reg_save_param() function finds and saves a text string from the next server's response. In other words, it captures a dynamic value.
In this example, web_reg_save_param function will save the captured value into WCSParam_Text1 parameter. The function finds the left boundary (window.parent. setrentbody (" and after that it finds the right boundary ". The string, found between left and right boundaries, will be saved to WCSParam_Text1 parameter.
Ord attribute indicates the ordinal position of captured value. In the example (Ord=1), we capture the value between first left boundary and left one. "Search=Body" means search in a body of server's response.
6. Replace every occurrence of dynamic value in script with the parameter:
- Open "Search and Replace" window and replace one-by-one hard-coded values with the parameter.
Why it is important?
Imagine, that you have the following code:
web_submit_data("somepage", ...
"Name=OrderNumber", "Value=125", ENDITEM,
"Name=UserID", "Value=125",
If you create parameter for UserID, and perform replacing of all occurrences of its value ("125"), then it will produce the code:
web_submit_data("somepage", ...
"Name=OrderNumber", "Value={WCSParam_Text1}", ENDITEM,
"Name=UserID", "Value={WCSParam_Text1}",
It may be wrong! OrderNumber can be static value and be equal to 125, while UserID may change.
7. Verify Changes
After above manipulations, our script will insert ={WCSParam_Text1} in place of the dynamic value. The statement "{WCSParam_Text1}" means "get value of WCSParam_Text1 parameter".
So, algorithm changes to:
- when server returns different values of ID
- then web_submit_data captures and places them into WCSParam_Text1 parameter
- after that we use {WCSParam_Text1} to get current values of parameters and use them in scripts.
Something Extra: Ord Attribute.
How can we find the value for the Ord attribute?
Remember the line number we found in Action.c() where the first occurrence to the dynamic value occurred (step 4).
In the replay log, go to the first occurrence of this line number. Begin searching for the Left Boundary or the right boundary until you find the first occurrence of the correlating string in the body. Keep a count of the number of Left/Right Boundary skipped until you found the correlating string, this count is the ORD value.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Grouping of commercials that I grew up with. Feel nostalgic about them and hope they won’t get lost forever as time moves on. I have made this collection by googling, reading market surveys/articles and also getting some information from other peoples writings. This is just a way, people can, perhaps re-live their childhood.
RASNA - I love you Rasna

drinking Rasna, and it included the fat guy who drank a huge jug of Rasna.
At some point during this ad’s release, I think the long version had even the names of all the 10 flavors. The 11th flavor introduced Mango Ripe and got its own jingle.
Naya hai Rasna Mango Ripe…
Koi samay ho koi bhi din
Rasna Mango Ripe ka din
Mango ripe! Mango ripe,
mazey ka Rasna Mango Ripe!
Once Rasna became part of the Sunday morning line-up of ads, they added a cute female (Ankita) to the ad saying: I love you Rasna! She was one more reason for the ad being a hit and her hairstyle became a huge craze.
RASNA ad sent kids scampering to parents, demanding a glassful too. Eventually the girl grew up a little bit and she endorsed another cold drink - Sudha. The ad for this drink went thus: It shows the girl, you can see she is grown up, and she says: Pehchana? Badi ho gayi hoon, na? Aur … Sudha… etc etc….
POPPINS - Goli Rainbow wali

For me, the brand evokes a feeling of nostalgia since this was among the most popular brand when I was a kid. Poppins was liked by us because of its taste, color and of course economy. Where else can you get 10 candies in a packet that too in different flavors.
LIJJAT PAPAD – Karram Kurram - Kurram Karram
Majjadaar lajjadar swad swad mein lijjat lijjat papad. He he he he he he

fairly simple, but its manic bunnies and the karram kurram jingle continue to haunt.
VICKS - Vicks ki goli lo, khich khich dur karo

VICCO TURMURIC - Haldi aur Chandan ka Anokha Sangam

TATA Tea - Anu Taazgi de de, Tata ki chai Le Le

SURF – Surf ki kharidaari mein hi samajhdari hai
Bhai saab, aagar itni saari safedi yadee kaam dam me mile....... tou koi yeh kyoun le, yeh na le

An obvious reference to the the cheaper competitor, Nirma (once available for Rs.3 per Kg) by Lalitaji, posing as the ‘typical no-compromise, quality conscious, bargaining Indian
housewife’ set the momentum for Surf as a brand that stands for quality at an affordable price.
Remember Lalithaji (Kavita Chaudhary) went on to achieve more fame in the television saga ‘Udaan’ portraying the real-life story of Kanchan Chaudhary.
SURF ULTRA – Dhundtey Reh Jaogay

WHEEL - Dur hoja meri nazaron se

Nimbu ke saath. This got famous as it claimed to have lemon in it but apparently the company was later sued to just have lemon perfume.
RIN - Zara sa Rin

Rin, one of the super brands in the detergent bar segment, has been the market leader. Rin was associated with whiteness at the fingertip.
PEARS - Pure & Gentle

Remember the little girl who used to see her mom through the soap in the bath tub. Pears soap has no equal. This has been one of the all time popular soaps and is many peoples favorite. It was advertised to be gentle enough, even for baby's skin. The cause of its transparency which was its main attraction, was due to retention of glycerin within the soap.
NIRMA – Doodh si Safedi
Washing powder Nirma.

You may remember the girl in this ad who used to swirl around in skirt. There was something special attached to this ad. Maybe it is the fact that the brand name is derived from Nirupama, the company owner’s daughter who died in a car accident but whose image has become iconic with the brand.
LIRIL - La la la la la la la la laa la laa

The hottest ad in the early 80’s used to be of the LIRIL girl drenched under the falls wearing only bikini. The ad was all about waterfalls, abundant water and the girl splashing about in total abandon singing “la…la la la laaa...”The model Karen Lunel was wearing a lime green bikini at the waterfalls in Kodaikanal. It captured the imagination of an ultra-conservative Indian society.
Those days color TV viewing itself was bonus and Liril ad was a definite hit. I remember this ad and I also remember how parents used to frown at it.

I remember the times when we used to drink lots of Kissan squash in our home during summer time. It was a luxury drink back then. Not many brands were available. The famous one was Kissan brand. Our father used to bring the orange color bottle and if we tried to touch it, our mother used to be afraid that we would break the bottle. We would also crave to lick the syrup as well without diluting it and all caution had to be made to avoid ants getting near the bottle.

Who can forget the unique, brightly colored chocolate buttons with crispy shells, encased in a pack that's as colorful as the product itself? When this ad came on TV, it showed heaps of gems and I as a child would wish how I could break the TV so that all the Gems fell in the room ;o)
Did you know: The colorful world of Cadbury Gems does not include the color black.

For several years, Parle G has been a part of the lives of every Indian. Filled with the goodness of milk and wheat, Parle G is not just a treat for the taste buds, but a source of strength for both body and mind.
I till date have Parle-G every morning with my chai. I dip the whole biscuit in the chai and then scoop it out with the spoon. My son does the same thing with milk and loves these biscuit and calls it a Baby biscuit. Thank God we have them around in US.
FEVICOL - Dum Lagake Haisha

DAIRY MILK – Kuch khaas hai hum sabhi mein, asli swad zindagi ka
The pure taste of Cadbury Dairy Milk is the taste most Indians crave for when they think of Cadbury Dairy Milk. However, the one with the "girl dancing on the cricket field" has remained etched in everyone's memory, as the most spontaneous & un-inhibited expression of happiness.
BIG FUN bubblegum
Around the 1982-83 phase, the standard offering for kids was the ubiquitous 10 paise Nutrine toffee, in the green wrapper. Higher up in the pecking order was the 30 paise bubblegum, with the 35 paise Cadbury's Eclairs occupying the top position, being the rare buy.Big fun bubblegum came wrapped in a white wrapper with pink or green stripes. To be precise, it was a pink flat piece of stone, which required substantial mastication to produce the first bubble! Kids would launch into a furious grinding operation immediately after purchase, to set the stage for bubble-blowing.
The brand initially started by offering the pictures of Disney characters to induce the kids . Big Fun era in 1985 when TVs were worming their way into most middle class homes, cricket fever was on with India due to host the 1987 World Cup. Big Fun cashed in on the interest and started releasing the picture of a cricketer, his star value translated into runs and wickets. The deal was to collect 120 runs and 10 wickets, to be exchanged for a mini-book with cricketer photos. The contest became the rage among the colony kids.
BAJAJ - Humara Bajaj
AJANTA CLOCK - Pom-Pom....Pom-Pom
DOODH - doodh doodh doodh doodh doodh……wonderful doodh……..
DHAARA – Dhaara Dhaara…Shuddh Dhaara
Remember this cute ad where the kid left his house saying no one loves him and then his Ramu Kaka brings him back from railway station saying his mom has made jalebis. The expression on the kids was so adorable when he says….. Jalebi
COMPLAN – I am a Complan Boy…. I am a Complan girl
The complete planned food! Perhaps the most expensive milk drinks in India that came in every imaginable flavor possible. I remember eating it more than drinking it.
Yummy in powder form too! They call it a chocolate drink, but it’s more malty than chocolaty. Enjoyed it, both hot and cold. I used to put few spoons in a small katori and let it solidify and make a ball out of it and enjoy the hard chocolate candy in the cheek side..
Best part about the drink, the small horlicks lumps in the milk that didn’t dissolve fully. Also loved it in the powder form. It tastes like threptin biscuits which I first tasted in Singapore and thereafter threptin biscuits along with a glass of Tang became my regular breakfast.
THE tea brand in India. There is Brooke Bond Taj Mahal with the famous tabla jugal-bandi ad in which Zakir Hussain plays the tabla with his dad and says Wah! Taj, Wah! in the end. Taj Mahal tea became synonymous with all tea bags in India. Other brands came later 3 Roses tea known for its perfect color, strength and aroma; Lipton green label tea-the long leaf blend with very distinct sweet aroma and a delicate taste.
A strong instant coffee-chicory blend, perhaps closest to the authentic decoction coffee.
The most popular bottled water brand in India, which became household name and synonymous with any spring or mineral bottled water in the country. At one point, it was a NRI-symbol.
GOLD SPOT - the zing thing, gold spot!

The first, orange soda in the market. Collecting gold spot caps were quite a craze at one time and were traded for Jungle Book stickers. The gold spot ads too were quite funky and focused on the latest craze of the generation.

Not the regular club sodas or the ginger ales we see here. The one in India is quite lemony. Very much like the green bottle drinks.

Do the Dew! Catering to young adventurous adults into extreme sports, this is the only drink I can think of that comes in a green bottle, but is not completely transparent. It’s a semi-opaque cool green-yellow aerated lemon-lime drink.
LIMCA - Lime and Lemony Lica, Limca... Limca...
Limca Limca Limca…. Areee…
Pekay Jhumka Jhumka Jhumka…
It is not just the name that’s similar, the taste, the look, the feel of it, all is just like Sprint.

Funny how all the green bottled drinks lined up under each other. Was it intentional? Nah! 7’up completely took over sprint’s green-bottle monopoly with the help of a frizzy haired dude called Fido Dido. The Fido Dido stickers and wristbands became such a craze that we all obsessively collected those bottle caps and bartered some with friends to get our hands on them. Eventually, the spunky dude made it to lunch boxes and school bags, but luckily his hairstyle didn’t catch on.
THUMS UP - Taste the thunder.....

Very distinct from the other colas owing to the stronger, fizzier, and less sweet taste. Back in the days, when Coca Cola and Pepsi were still unheard of in India, the drink overshadowed a lot of its contemporaries like Campa cola, Double seven and Dukes. Interestingly, it was marketed as a manly drink, and was deliberately packaged in chafed up bottles. My husband told me that in Calcutta road side they sell masala Cola, where they add chat masala and a wedge of lime in the bottle, shake it up, it fizzes a lot and drink it. Believe me, I tried it and it really is very tasty. Now I make sure to buy thums-up from the Indian store in US just to have this masala Cola.

Except fresh mango juice, this is the best mango drink since ever. Love it. Still buy it at the Indian store in the US.

The first Indian drink I know that came in paper boxes. It is a sweeter, more diluted version of Maaza. At a time when the other sodas in glass bottles were not convenient to carry, Frooti was the only thing people could buy to take to picnics or when traveling by trains.